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Evo-ERP and DBA Classic >> System Manager >> Export/Import Data DE-A/DE-D

Message started by on 04/06/05 at 13:00:46

Title: Export/Import Data DE-A/DE-D
Post by on 04/06/05 at 13:00:46

I export data, open in Excel.  How do I know which field is which?  More specifically, I am trying to create the same sequence # for each part.  I cannot figure out which field it is though.
After I do that though, I would then choose DE-D (Import Routings), can I just choose the file to import without filling in any options on that screen?


Title: Re: Export/Import Data DE-A/DE-D
Post by aricon on 04/06/05 at 13:35:53

Novazyg started creating some of the export routines to also include the field headers, but I seriously doubt that he had a chance to do them all. Out side of that the only way is to have the DB open and the export open in Excel and find your data for each field and manually type in the names.

As for the second question, no. If you want to import you need to specify the import, that is WHY those things are there. If you could just blind import things into data files it would probably be nice, but bloody messy.

Title: Re: Export/Import Data DE-A/DE-D
Post by Lynn Pantic on 04/06/05 at 14:22:47

The data export does include the field names but you still need to know what they are.  Data map file is available at

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