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Evo-ERP and DBA Classic >> Manufacturing >> Creating Multiple Parts from 1 WO

Message started by CCKEITH on 09/07/07 at 15:00:41

Title: Creating Multiple Parts from 1 WO
Post by CCKEITH on 09/07/07 at 15:00:41

I read somewhere recently that EVO has the capability to create one WO that, when completed, will make multiple items.

We are bringing in new machines that will cut multiple parts at one time from one piece of steel plate and that is exactly what I am needing.

Can anyone point me to that information?

Title: Re: Creating Multiple Parts from 1 WO
Post by CCKEITH on 09/07/07 at 15:48:53

I dug deeper and found the phrase "multi-yield", searched for it and found the answer to my question.  The discussion was in March 2007.

Title: Multi Yield WO's
Post by CCKEITH on 09/25/07 at 16:45:38

In testing I have created multiple parts using a multi-yield WO.  Seemed to work well.  Very straightforward.  

Is there a report or screen in Evo where it will show me all of the parts and quantities created with a specific multi-yield WO on a given date?  (after the fact)

I realize that we use a type "N" inventory part as a placeholder for the WO.  Does that mean that this type of information I am looking for will not be maintained in the system and therefore not available?

Title: Re: Creating Multiple Parts from 1 WO
Post by Lynn_Pantic on 09/25/07 at 18:33:15

JC-Q for the work order will show all the end items produced.

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