ISTech Support Forum
Evo-ERP and DBA Classic >> Manufacturing >> InvTTL in BKAPHPO incorrect

Message started by cathyh on 09/25/07 at 11:07:16

Title: InvTTL in BKAPHPO incorrect
Post by cathyh on 09/25/07 at 11:07:16

I have a PO that had one line on the original PO, a line was added (this shows up in PO changes).  The PO was received in full on 9/14 and invoiced on 9/17.  The total received and invoiced is 496.56.  The INV total (BKAP.PO.ITOTAL)  in the BKAPHPO record for this PO is double that amount, or 993.12. I am wondering how that happened.
I only saw this because I have an access report that is looking for total booked orders for a given date range.  The AP Listing and Aging for this vendor is correct.  The receiving report is correct.
Can I change the record in MD or is this field affecting some other record?

Just looked alittle harder at my report and there are others- one is 132.28 vs 264.56 for Inv TTL, another is 4 times the PO total, 118.41 vs 473.64.  

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