ISTech Support Forum
Evo-ERP and DBA Classic >> Sales >> Royalties

Message started by GasGiant on 02/01/08 at 09:09:19

Title: Royalties
Post by GasGiant on 02/01/08 at 09:09:19

Does anyone here need to track sales of certain items in order to figure royalties owed to others?

Title: Re: Royalties
Post by Dawn on 02/01/08 at 14:17:09

I use CS-A.  Enter in the company information and then the sales dept. has to make sure they add that Sales Person code in the sales order.  I do not know if DBA can link directly to an item number.  I have a check off list I use every month end and I note that I have to run certain item numbers and sales person code and compare them.

Title: Re: Royalties
Post by Lynn_Pantic on 02/01/08 at 17:52:22

I have vad other users make sure all the items subject to royalty payment are in the same Category or User Defined value in IN-B (or a consecutive range of them) and then use SA-M to get sales for a date range and calculate the royalty due.

Title: Re: Royalties
Post by GasGiant on 02/01/08 at 21:09:05

Both good ideas. Our royalty system is going to be a bit complex, I'm afraid, but one between item coding and the salesperson idea it might work out. Thanks!

Title: Re: Royalties
Post by Dawn on 02/04/08 at 12:02:41

I have been trying to create a Cyrstal Report for it as well so I can run both side by side but have not go it to work yet (lack of time).

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