Key for me is a history of days-past-date paid (date of check, days-past-date of invoice(s) paid, and $ amount). What I do now is to put the days-past-date in the AR-C Check No. field (I can always get that from the paper stub if I need it -- never have), like "32"; if it's a range over several invoices, I put in the low and the high, like "3246". I come up with that before, by reference to the Aging, so I have it for AR-C. Then I scan the "check No." AR-R to see how someone's paying. Average would be good, but only if you can set the date range and show $'s. The other datum I need to do some poking around for to come up with is a Credit Reference Request for a customer's "Recent High Credit", but that's lower priority and doesn't look too easy to do. Thanks for asking.