I know that my purchasing agent would love to take Lynn to lunch (for a week!) for adding the usage screen to the inventory area... I'd take her to lunch (Lynn) for TWO WEEKS if three other items could be included:
1) An "average" monthly usage, based on the previous 12 months. I know it is easy enough to do with a calculator, but that step could just as easilly be removed (easy for me to say!!) and made part of the program.
2) A "graphical representation" of the usage chart. Off to the right of the month to month list is a lot of "dead" space. Why not add a vertical line graph showing the actual monthly usage for the past 12 months? Want to get REAL FANCY?... Add an average line to it (based on the average to that date) and we'd get to see "trending" as well!!
I know, I know, I ask for alot... just trying to take the time out of doing all these second echelon tasks that this sort of software should be so good at!! Heck... since DBA loves "X's and O's" so much (see scheduling), a vertical version of that would even be good (I can't believe I said that!!)...
3) I can't remember....
Ohhh.... yes I can.... Can the forums actually notify us when a message is left in response to one of ours? I keep selecting it, but never see or hear from it even when someone responds. Ok... different topic.