Senior Member
DBA / EVO Software Consultant
Posts: 275
on converting SO's to WO's, users must currently select either a single SO or a Range of SO numbers. however, if there is a SO or two that they do not want, they would have to limit the range of SO numbers selected. i propose that a user be given a List Screen that would list all the Open SO's with a Check Box next to it. (maybe even the cuscode & po for info) then the user that is performing the SO-N conversion, would place a check mark tagging each SO that they want to convert. then during the process, they are also given an option to assign a JobNumber. this way during the conversion of all the SO's to WO's, not only the SO header information is carried to the WO header but so is the Job Number, and the same Job Number should also be written back to the SO. this makes it easier to then print out the paperwork by jobno. just a suggestion. hope there are some more ideas. keep up the good work! thanks dave