Quote:That is why I am looking at a more streamlined way to handle credit cards.
~ Lynn Pantic
We've been grouping our monthly charges by GL account number. While in theory this works it doesn't allow for auditing without the bill in hand. (In other words, when you see a charge to "office supplies" for $500 you don't know if it is 500 $1 items or 1 $500 item.) I've thought about entering each charge via AP-B when received by the employee (prior to the bill), however AMEX gives discounts for various vendors (such as Hertz, etc.) so that when you get the bill the actual charge is less than the receipt turned in.
What about having a CC type GL account? Then you could point it to a "charged not invoiced" liability account. Once the bill was received you could reconcile it like you do PO invoices and adjust the price like you do with inventory items.
Maybe you've already come up with something better... I just reviewed our AMEX charges for 2005 and realized that many items were posted to the wrong account. So, I'd really like to eliminate the grouping method.