I vote for the Classic behavior, with the menus staying open. Like for WO-D, everyone here is long used to flying thru series of "D : Key in WO# : <F10> : P : Enter : D..." (loop to start). If the menu stays open like Classic, isn't this a simpler, single-keystroke (D), versus a two-finger hotkey of some sort that has to be setup individually on each client? Even Colin hadn't gotten around to doing it for his users. The Hotkey's a nice feature (which apparently lots of us hadn't discovered) and I might use it for something, but I think there's probably a segment of the customer base who never have, and never will, get beyond the pre-installed, no-configuation-needed features. But good news is, we can have it both ways, if the fix is done to allow Hotkeys to work inside an open menu - possible? I really would like this changed in EVO.