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SO-A  cant add extra descp after initial SO entry (Read 316 times)
Laura  D. Oliver
Active Member

Posts: 985
Gender: female
SO-A  cant add extra descp after initial SO entry
10/29/07 at 08:38:06
We enter a SO with 4 items, each having a 2nd line of description.
We release all 8 lines and list the invoice to the screen.    
But we decide we need to go back in the SO and type  "LABOR ONLY" , so we go back and type it on the 9th line of the SO.  There is no inventory item associated with this line.  We make sure that line 9 is released.  
We list it again, but the 9th does show up on the invoice.  ?!?!  
We go back into SO-A and sure enough, it is there, and released. It just doesnt show up on the invoice.
I had to go in and insert a line above the 1st item and type LABOR ONLY to get it to print on the invoice.  (however inserting a line after the  last item doesnt work)
We could do this before the update, We can't now.  We need to do this, so I think it is a bug and not an improvement.  Unless  the intention is to make us go thru SO-E to release the little extras.
This has happened to us 3X since the update. I think it could be related to a post from last week in MFG about PO/SO/RMA
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« Last Edit: 10/29/07 at 12:09:28 by Laura  D. Oliver »  

Laura D. Oliver
classic DBA since 1997
EVO on Amazon server as of 5-2022
Birmingham, Alabama
(205)- 841-8400


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Laura  D. Oliver
Active Member

Posts: 985
Gender: female
Re: SO-A  cant add extra descp after initial SO en
Reply #1 - 11/13/07 at 09:23:07
We are still having this problem.  
It seems it only happens with Sale Orders that have multiple inventory items.
we use to enter a Sales Order, print a packing slip, and then later go back into the SO and add the tax status on the last line of the line item screen.  
We can still do that except the tax status will not print out if there is more than 1 inventory item on the SO
You can not even go into SO-E and release it.  
Any and all help appreciated.
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Laura D. Oliver
classic DBA since 1997
EVO on Amazon server as of 5-2022
Birmingham, Alabama
(205)- 841-8400


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