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printing SO-F w/ non-default rtm (Read 299 times)
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printing SO-F w/ non-default rtm
11/14/07 at 08:13:26
We have three sales departments and each has their own letterhead.  The ability to select a different rtm is nice and it works for printing and saving to a file, but not for emailing.  I added the 10/18 pacth that was supposed to have fixed this problem, but it hasn't.  Are there others who are using this method with success - if that's the case, I need someone to help me troubleshoot it on my system.
We are on EVO version 2004.1 with the latest is tech updates & patches
Darla Long
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Darla Long
Catalytic Industrial Group, Inc.
Independence Ks
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David Waldmann
Active Member

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Re: printing SO-F w/ non-default rtm
Reply #1 - 11/14/07 at 11:55:56
What "doesn't work" about it?
We are on an older version and there is no problem here unless I don't understand what the problem is. We can select different RTMs for any of the forms I've ever tried printing (probably not all of them) and have Printed and Emailed all of them without trouble. The only problem we have is in printing Estimates, ES-D, if you email it to a Contact that doesn't have an email address apparently the program tries to write the email address to the Contact and it can't. So you get an error message but it still sends the email.
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David N Waldmann
Vermont Hardwoods
Chester, VT

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