Hi! Now I have the same problem but on new drawings/new part numbers/new sales orders. I have a large order for 32 different product numbers and all are new to our build. I added the new part numbers and at that time added the drawing and revision to the ECO info under the characteristics tab. Now I am inputting the sales orders. We are doing separate sales orders for each part number because they are serialized assemblies and they have to have individual travelers for each serial no which builds up the paperwork in the file. Now to the problem. I input the sales order and when I put in the part number and hit enter the ECO status displays above as usual. Then I do the notes. Then I save the SO. When I print the sales order the drawing data does not display. I did four this am and discovered it when I reviewed the orders. So then I went back and entered through the line item, saved the SO and then printed. Yes, now the drawing data prints on the sales order copy. However!!!! Now I have duplicate entries in the ISORDECO file!!! Now what do I do? How can I prevent this duplicate entry? Why doesn't the drawing info print on the sales order copy the first print? Please help. Liz