evolution (n) - gradual change to a different form
Posts: 5681
Utility is done, will be available for the next update or you can email me and request an advance copy. However, it does not do exactly what Lenette wants. It does clean up the stragglers and bogus Location entries. It first displays the list of your existing Locations and you can tag the one(s) you want to keep. It will no longer allow a blank Location so if you have blank, you can't keep it. It then prompts for the Location to move all the records to that do not match the Locations you have chosen to keep. This can be a completely new Location or one of the pre-existing ones. If it is new, then you also need to indicate which existing Location to use the GL Posting in the CLASS file from. It then runs through all the files (including the transaction file) and any entries with a Location value not on the designated "keeper" list is replaced with the new value. Thus, it will correct ALL invalid entries. There is the possibility when cleaning up multiple no longer needed locations to end up with some cleanup needed in the LOT, SERIAL and BIN files so we are working on utilities and exception reports for those files as well but they are not yet finished.