Posts: 38
This problem started to occur after the last Evo update. Intermittently, maybe 1 in 4 times, in IN-A clicking on the Sales Orders (shopping cart) icon, we're getting the following message: FATAL ERR - File : WBKLOOKUP.SRC Line: 4540 There is a fatal problem with the following expression. The problem may have to do with parentheses: ( BKAR.INVL.PQTY <> VAL("0" )).O. (BKAR.INVL.UBO <> VAL("0" ) ) Clicking the OK button in the error dialog box brings up a blank Sales Orders screen that eventually populates w/ data but takes a long time to do so. Clicking the Exit button to close this screen does nothing, so we have to click the screen's X (close) button in the upper right corner. This can (but not always) bring up another error message, such as: FATAL ERR - File: LISTG60.LIB Line: 129 The field you are trying to use is unallocated. It may belong to a file that hasnt' been opened yet, or was an array that was removed from memory - □TEMP0 Sometimes clicking OK on the second error message will take us back to the initial IN-A screen, but at other times there is a cascade of similar "The field you are trying to use is unallocated" messages with different file names and line numbers until finally Evo spontaneously dies and we have to re-boot the program. Also, we've noticed that after selecting IN-A from the module menu, the IN-A screen "stutters" twice before becoming stable. Paul Groh