Active Member
I used to be indecisive; now I'm not so sure......
Posts: 1213
Okay, another problem on this new computer install-- this is getting very frustrating. When I try to print selected transactions in GL-O the RTM is displayed, then a flash of something in the corner, and then I do not get the print screen, just a question, Finished Printing <yes>, <no>. If I pick yes, the question goes away, if I pick no I am stuck. Even if I pick yes, I get an addsum Tas Premier7i access violation notice, and I have to cntl/alt/del to get out of the evo screen, then restart my computer to go back into Evo because the program tp7runtime.exe is hung (but curiously not listed in the running process list in the task manager) I have tried deleting the ISTS folder (I had to restart first because files were being used still by the tp7runtime.exe that was hung), and reinstalling Evo. Evo installed nicely, but the reinstall did not fix the problem with GL-O. This is not happening on other computers that also do posting. Any ideas?