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Please save me from the Users!!!!!!!
Posts: 521
OK - This happens whether it is the classic view or the Evo view... Start entering a PO for some general electronic parts we use to make fixtures - the parts do not have their own part numbers since we don't use them for product. We use a generic item "R&D EXPENSE" to assign the cost to something. I enter R&D EXPENSE as the item number, the qty, the cost and the delivery (NEVER a problem with this line). I then need to place descriptive lines below that one so that the vendor knows what I am ordering (nothing in the item line, description line has something like "Digikey 455-1313-1"). I just entered a 20 line PO to order parts, and the first enter for r&d expense had all three lines, the next 19 had only the first line, NO DESCRIPTION LINES!!! ARRGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! and to top it off, fields from previous lines stay populated with text that isn't really there (usually the description line).................This same thing actually also happens in IN-B, where if you are entering a dozen new parts, the user defined field stays populated with text, making you think the field is filled out (BUT IT ISN'T) - and then you MTICMSTR errors when you try to use that part. Guys - some of these T7 quirks are really getting frustrating.