Let me expand a little on this subject and explain how we handle EDI integration:
You need to create a folder in the root directory where your DBA files are located called "candoedi" this folder must contain the following 2 items: a executable called "candoedi.exe" (I believe the file name is all you need, not necessarily the actual executable) and a subfolder called "transfer".
To import EDI orders you need to create a Flatfile called "DBASO.in". The layout of that FF is posted at
http://www.istechsupport.com/resources.php (click on EDIMAP).
After activating a customer for EDI in the EDI module invoices can be exported via the export EDI invoices feature in the EDI module creating a Flat file called DBASO.out. The layout is also in the EDIMAP.txt
We use MSACCESS to convert the FF into tables for header and lines.
Your translation software needs to pickup from the ACCESS tables and convert it to EDI format.
If you need more info feel free to contact me a helmut@generalpencil.com