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Thanks for the help!
Posts: 135
ARRRGGGGG!! what would be so wrong with being able to enter a PO, go from field to field and enter the data you want and not have to fight with the system about if you want to enter that data or not. After the update if I enter the due date for a line item, it overrides what I enter with anothe system generated date and I have to answer if I want to change all of the lines with that date and if I am not careful it modifies my entire po with new dates.....arrrrrghghghgh Please, I just want to enter a line, enter a quantity and price and due date and move on to the next line. If I want to come back later and edit the po I want to go to the field make the change and save, I do not want to have the system interogate me on every field change. Please. Thank you.