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Entering CC credit in AP-C (Read 1965 times)
David Waldmann
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Entering CC credit in AP-C
03/05/15 at 06:46:51
Our accountant is not very thrilled that it's possible to enter a GJ transaction to a Cash account and not have it show up on the check register. Of course, we would not intentionally do that, but it's possible and there is not even a warning (like there is if you pick you A/P or A/R GL account).
The main reason we used to enter CDs in GL-B was for payments that did not have checks written. Now with the E-Pay option that reason is gone away for all payments.
However, I am still working on how to enter CC credits (this is CC that we use to pay things, and may get a credit for returns, etc). We normally enter CC payments in AR-C, selecting Manual Check, and then picking the corresponding "Bank Account" so that the transaction shows up on the check register and can be reconciled.
We never actually "pay" the CC bill, we transfer funds from our cash account to the CC account. So we can't enter the credit in AR-C as a Credit Memo*. I tried entering a negative amount under Manual Check and it wouldn't let me complete the transaction - it appeared to handle the amount as 0.00.
What I want to do is turn off AP-B for everyone except me, to ensure all CDs and CRs go through AR and AP to ensure all cash transactions end up on the check register.  
Any suggestions?
*I tested it, trying to pick only the credit in AP-F, and then E-Paying it. I got a message telling me that would only work if you deposit a refund from the vendor on the same day. Well, that is exactly what I'm trying to accomplish, so I said Yes, but it doesn't do anything. Credit is still there. So I tried No, and it just takes me back to the Select Items to Pay window.
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David N Waldmann
Vermont Hardwoods
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Re: Entering CC credit in AP-C
Reply #1 - 03/05/15 at 19:13:57
Have you looked at the new GL-L program to enter Credit Card transactions?  It can process charges and returns.
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Lynn Pantic
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David Waldmann
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Re: Entering CC credit in AP-C
Reply #2 - 03/06/15 at 08:06:15
No. Didn't know it existed...  embarrassed
That should work.
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David N Waldmann
Vermont Hardwoods
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David Waldmann
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Re: Entering CC credit in AP-C
Reply #3 - 03/09/15 at 08:51:00
I can't get it to work. Every previously entered transaction doesn't show a GL account (and there could be multiple per transaction...), and when I try to Tag I get a message "No GL" and it doesn't tag.
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David N Waldmann
Vermont Hardwoods
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Re: Entering CC credit in AP-C
Reply #4 - 03/10/15 at 07:46:41
Those are entries entered as manual checks or COD in AP-C so they can't be reversed in GL-L.  You need to reconcile all prior entries using GL-J so the only open items are from the current statement.  Then use GL-L to enter the remaining items on the statement nd assign them to GL accounts and optionally vendors.  Once all the entries have been entered and the total matches the statement enter the statement as a single line voucher in AP-B posting to the liability account.  That will post to the check register as a deposit offsetting all the charges and use GL-J to reconcile to zero and start the next statement.
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Lynn Pantic
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David Waldmann
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Re: Entering CC credit in AP-C
Reply #5 - 03/12/15 at 08:24:08
Is there a step-by-step instruction available? I just can't figure it out.
All "prior" entries (i.e. from the previous statement) were tagged and reconciled.
All that is in GL-J or GL-L are transactions from the current statement or later.
I added two test entries in GL-L - one Charge and one Return.
When I Save, whether I select Post or Save I get a message "Exit without saving any New Records made during this session?"  
The first half dozen times this happened at the Save button. For some reason, it suddenly stopped giving me the message and went back to the opening screen where you select the account and date range. I went back in - entries were there, so I saved again, it went back to the opening screen. However, when I closed the GL-L main screen I got the "Exit without saving..." message again. This time I said Yes. Started GL-L again and the test transactions I entered in GL-L are not there.
I think get using AP-B to enter a voucher against the liability account, but is there any reason I can't continue to use Transfer Funds? That's a real quick and easy way to do it. We use Auto Pay, so there is no actual check generated. I realize we could use E-Pay, but it's one more step.
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David N Waldmann
Vermont Hardwoods
Chester, VT

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Re: Entering CC credit in AP-C
Reply #6 - 03/12/15 at 11:56:41
Our AP clerk is having major issues with GL-L not behaving since the last "patches".  I have just started a major reconciliation with in & out that posted on their own.  I will send you a recap when I'm done.
(all patches are installed on the last update.)
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